pool table,billiard table,billiards,tables,bar table
Read this pool table review and get some in sight on choosing your billiards table.
This pool table review is to help you when choosing a new table. I have written many articles about billiards tables. You can check them all out from the links in my blog.
I have owned several pool tables in the 25 plus years that I have been playing the game. The first table that I played on was a 4پŒ x 8پŒ table and it was given to my dad by someone that he worked with. I was about 10 years old at the time.
When I reached the age of 15, I would sneak off to the tavern down the road and play on their bar box. This was one of those old style bar tables with the big cue ball. (I still do not like playing with the big cue ball very much)
I moved out of my parents house at age 18 and my cousin and I purchased a 4پŒ x 8پŒ Brunswick table for the house that we moved in to. This table was played heavily and we went through a couple of rounds of new felt in a short period of time.
The felt or cloth is actually one of the most important things about a table because it will be a major factor as to if the table plays fast or slow. (I do not recommend a cloth with a backing. It slows the ball down big time) My favorite billiards cloth is Simonis 860.
When I turned 21 A friend an I set up a little pool hall in a building that my family owned. We purchased two 4 and 1/2پŒ by 9پŒ tables. One was a Circle G Gandy and the other was a Murray. Both tables played good and the Murray played extremely fast off the rails. We also purchased four 3 and 1/2پŒ by 7پŒ Valley bar tables.
I currently have one of the 7 foot Valley tables in my house now. I chose to keep that one because most league play and at that time the BCA National Tournament in Las Vegas were all played on a 7پچ Valley pool table.
The BCA and APA have now switched to the Diamond Smart Tables. These play nice and the tavern that sponsors my team has 6 of them. (Diamond Jimپfs) These are the only Diamond tables in Pueblo Colorado at the time of this writing. The Diamond Table is definitely one of my favorite to play on and I am keeping my eyes peeled for my house.
I would have to say that out of all the tables that I have played in the past, my favorite would be a 9پŒ Brunswick Gold Crown with tight pockets and Simonis 860 cloth. You have to be in stroke pretty good to run a rack on one of these tables.
There are several pool table articles on my pool-billiards-game dot com website. There is even a page which shows what size of a room is necessary for comfortable play on various sized billiard tables. I hope this article gives you some things to consider when choosing your table.
To Your Run Out Success,
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